Physics::AbstractGeom | Abstract geom is a base class for two geom types : standard geoms (Geom) and spaces (Space) |
Util::AbstractPool< T > | Generic pool base class which avoids loading twice ressources (like sounds) from disk |
Ammo | Ammunition class ; for all 3D-Phy that carries energy other than cinetic, and that moves too fast for the simulation to compute as usual |
AutoDeleteChildCallback< T > | Node callback that deletes direct children if an autoDelete() method returns true |
osgParticle::AutoParticleSystemUpdater | A useful node class for updating particle systems automatically and that automaticlly destroy them when all particles are dead ; handles ParticleSystems that need to live after their emitter is destroyed |
AxisControl | Represents a controlled axis (mouse, joystick |
Physics::Body | Wrapper representnig physical bodies (roughly a mass with coordinates and velocity) |
Physics::BoxHandler | GeometryHandler for boxes |
C3DPhy | A 3D-Phy (or entity) is an object wich has physical and graphical properties |
C3DPhyCallback | Simple callback (abstract functor) for 3D-Phy events |
C3DPhyOwner | Class that owns 3D-Phy objects (but not its 3D and physical parts) and adds their parts to the appropriate 3D or physical scene |
Util::Callback< T > | Base class for callbacks that can be nested |
CameraShake::CameraData | Camera data for the effect |
CameraShake | Effect that shakes the camera, as for an explosion |
CameraShakeParams | Parameters for CameraShake class |
CameraShakeUpdateCallback | |
Physics::CapsuleHandler | GeometryHandler for capsules (Capped cylinders) aligned along Z-axis |
CartographyColorizator | Utility class that allows colorization of points a height field according to their height, with an cartography look |
CloudParams | Parameters for createCloud() - only supports standard sprites for now (will support billboard and point sprites) |
CollectNodesVisitor | Node visitor that collects all children of a node |
CollectParentPathsVisitor | Node visitor that collects the parents path to the root, always using the 1st parent |
Physics::Contact | Represents data of a contact between two geoms (special joint data) |
Controler | Base class defining a storage for control state and events |
ControlEvent | Describes a change in a ControlState and some other useful data |
ControlEventHandler | Abstract class for handling controls (similar to a GUIEventHandler, but for PVLE's controls) |
ControlHandler | Abstract class for handling controls and getting control data |
ControlMapper | Interface between input (keys) and controls (orders) |
ControlState | A control state is a set of values describing at any moment the state of switches (keys and buttons) and axis |
Physics::CylinderHandler | GeometryHandler for flat-ended cylinders aligned along Z-axis |
Util::DG< T > | Debug global variables storage - Very ugly but so useful! |
DirtyDebugGeodeCallback | Callback that keeps track a dirty/clean state for PhysicsDebugUpdateCB |
Dummy3DPhy | A 3D-Phy without 3D representation that destroys itself after 1 step, and that is a copy of another 3D-Phy |
Explosion | Generic explosion class ; which is at the same time a 3D effect, an evolving physic object, and weapon properties |
ExplosionParams | Explosion parameters, used for instantiation of Explosion class |
FindBodiesCopy | Functor for combined traversal that finds bodies |
FindGeomCopy | Functor for combined traversal that finds geoms |
FindGeometriesVisitor | Finds all geometries under a node |
FindNamedNodeVisitor | Finds a node that matches a specific name |
FindTypedNodeVisitor< T > | Finds a node of type T and stops as soon as it found it |
FindVisitor | Physics visitor that looks for a geom (and keeps a pointer to the first encountered) |
FixedManipulator | A manipulator which position is driven from outside, and that use an "EyePos, Dir, Up" frame to set the viewpoint |
FixedMatrixGetter | Simple matrix getter for fixed matrix or matrix controlled by external code |
Util::FPSLimiter | Handles data about frame rate and allow current thread to be put to sleep in order to keep CPU left for other processes on the computer |
Physics::Geom | Enhanced wrapper for physical geometries |
Physics::GeometryHandler | Abstract class for creation and manipulation of physical geometries (Spheres, boxes, etc |
GeomRotateVisitor | Physics visitor that applies a rotation on all geoms it finds |
GeomTranslateVisitor | Physics visitor that applies a translation on all geoms it finds |
Physics::GHChangeCallback | Callback for GeometryHandler, used on property change |
Physics::SpaceTypeInfo::HashData | Hash parameters structure |
Physics::HeightFieldHandler | GeometryHandler for height fields |
Hud | A HUD is a special node that displays 2D/3D information, and that already have an update callback |
Hud::HudCB | Relay callback |
HumanMatrixGetter | A matrix getter to move like in any Quake-like game, without the ability to get stuck to the ground (kind of "Flying human matrix getter") |
IGeomCollisionContainer | Interface that defines collision methods (for units, zones, ammo |
InvKeyMap | Maps strings to IDs for keys |
Physics::Joint | Wrapper for joints between bodies |
Physics::JointFeedback | Wrapper for force applied on joints |
Physics::JointGroup | Manages a set of joints |
KeyMap | Maps IDs to strings for keys |
lexical_less | Lexical comparision functor for strings (Ignores caps, accents, spaces et quotes) |
LightSourceManager | Manages the users of OSG/OpenGL lights sources (which are limited to 8) |
LightSourceUserCallback | Callback for users of LightSourceManager; |
Explosion::LSCallback | |
Physics::Mass | Wrapper for mass parameters |
MatrixGetter | Interface that gives access to a matrix |
Physics::MeshHandler | GeometryHandler for meshes - Somewhat tested, quite stable, but still experimental |
MoveWithEyePointTransform | Transform node that "moves" with the camera |
Physics::NearCallback | Callback for collisions, used by World, wrapping ODE functionalities |
NetControlEvent | |
noncopyable | |
Physics::World::ODEHolder | Singleton used to initialize/terminate ODE when everything else is done |
PhysicsDebugUpdateCB | Update callback used to bind debug graphical objects to physics |
PhysicsUpdateCB | This update callback binds physics to 3D by setting a 3D transform to a geom's matrix |
Physics::PlaneHandler | GeometryHandler for infinite planes |
PVLEGame | Base class for a PVLE game |
PVLEGameHolder | Singleton class that gives current game |
PVLEPlayer | Base class for a human or CPU player |
PVLETeam | Base class for a team, that is to say a group of (humans or CPU) players |
Physics::SpaceTypeInfo::QuadData | Quad parameters structure |
Physics::RayHandler | GeometryHandler for finite rays (Defines a ray aligned with the Z axis (up), starting at (0,0,0)) |
Referenced | |
RemoveStatesetsVisitor | Visitor that removes all Statesets of a node and its children |
Physics::SpaceTypeInfo::SimpleData | |
SimpleStrComp | |
Simulation | Simulation parameters |
SimulationCallback | Contains callback method(s) for Simulation object |
SimulationHolder | Singleton class that gives current simulation parameters |
Util::Singleton< T > | Simple singleton class, not thread safe |
Physics::Space | Space is a group of owned geoms, and a level of collision |
Physics::SpaceTypeInfo | Describes the type of a space (Simple, hash-map based, or quad-tree based), with specific parameters |
Physics::SphereHandler | GeometryHandler for spheres |
SplitManipulator | Manipulator that splits matrix getting/setting from events handling and that use two delegates (one for each task) |
Physics::SurfaceParams | Surface parameters can define a surface or the way two surfaces interact when in contact |
Physics::SpaceTypeInfo::SweepAndPruneData | 'Sweep and prune' parameters structure |
ControlEvent::TEventDependantData | Data of an event of a control, which can be an axis or a switch (union) |
TracedException | Base exception class of the generic generic Pro-Vocation Exception |
TrivialPair< T1, T2 > | Trivial pair used inside an union (std::pair doesn't compile because it has a user-defined constructor) |
LightSourceManager::User | Data about a light source user (object, priority and callback) |
Physics::UserGeomsInitializer | Inizializes all user classes (Singleton) |
Version | Represents a version with four integers, such as "" |
Physics::Visitor | Visitor for physics that traverses hierarchies |
Physics::VisitorSmart | Version of Visitor that includes methods to ensures that traversed bodies & joints will be visited only once |
Physics::World | Wrapper representnig the physical world |