File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
3DPhy.cpp [code]
3DPhy.h [code]Defines a 3D-Phy (an object that is physical and graphical), and an owner that manage 3D-Phys
AbstractGeom.cpp [code]
AbstractGeom.h [code]
Ammo.cpp [code]
Ammo.h [code]
AppOptions.cpp [code]
AppOptions.h [code]
Assert.cpp [code]
Assert.h [code]Assertion for PVLE
AutoDeleteChildCallback.h [code]
AutoParticleSystemUpdater.cpp [code]This is almost a copy of OSG's src/osgParticle/ParticleSystemUpdater.cpp file
AutoParticleSystemUpdater.h [code]This is almost a copy of OSG's include/osgParticle/ParticleSystemUpdater file
AutoSoundNodeCallback.cpp [code]
AutoSoundNodeCallback.h [code]
Body.cpp [code]
Body.h [code]
Callback.h [code]
CameraShake.cpp [code]
CameraShake.h [code]
CollectNodesVisitor.h [code]
CollectParentPathsVisitor.h [code]
CombinedTraversal.h [code]
Common.cpp [code]
Common.h [code]
3D/Commons.cpp [code]
Entity/Commons.cpp [code]
3D/Commons.h [code]Common nodes, geodes, shapes, etc
Entity/Commons.h [code]Common entities that are often used
CommonSurfaceParams.h [code]Contains common surface parameters as static const values
Config.h [code]Configuration file for PVLE - Defines compilation flags
Contact.h [code]
Control.cpp [code]
Control.h [code]Control classes, key bindings, and utilities : used as an abstraction for inputs
ControlMapper.cpp [code]
ControlMapper.h [code]Control mapper and key / axis bindings are used to create a layer between input and units
Converters.cpp [code]
Converters.h [code]Contains conversion operators between 3D and physics (here between OSG and ODE)
DebugGlobals.h [code]Utility for debugging
Doxygen.h [code]This file is only for automatically generated code documentation
Explosion.cpp [code]
Explosion.h [code]
Export.h [code]Definitions for exporting dynamic library definitions on some compilers
FindGeometriesVisitor.h [code]
FindNodeVisitor.h [code]Contains visitors and associated helper functions to find a specific node
FixedManipulator.h [code]
FixedMatrixGetter.h [code]
FPSLimiter.cpp [code]
FPSLimiter.h [code]
Geom.cpp [code]
Geom.h [code]
GeomCollisionContainer.h [code]
GeometryHandlers.cpp [code]
GeometryHandlers.h [code]
Hud.h [code]
HumanMatrixGetter.cpp [code]
HumanMatrixGetter.h [code]
I18N.cpp [code]
I18N.h [code]Internationalization utilities
Joint.cpp [code]
Joint.h [code]
LightSourceManager.cpp [code]
LightSourceManager.h [code]Contains classes for OSG/OpenGL lights sources management (which are limited to 8 in the Fixed Function Pipeline)
Log.cpp [code]
Log.h [code]
Math.h [code]Some useful math functions (Mostly documented in French
MatrixGetter.h [code]
MoveWithEyePointTransform.h [code]
NetConverters.cpp [code]
NetConverters.h [code]
PhysicsUpdateCB.h [code]
Pool.h [code]
Precompiled.cpp [code]
Precompiled.h [code]Precompiled header for Visual C++ 8 (2005)
PVLEGame.cpp [code]
PVLEGame.h [code]
PVLEGhostConnection.cpp [code]
PVLEGhostConnection.h [code]
PVLEPlayer.cpp [code]
PVLEPlayer.h [code]
PVLETeam.cpp [code]
PVLETeam.h [code]
Rand.cpp [code]
Rand.h [code]
RemoveStatesetsVisitor.h [code]RemoveStatesetsVisitor file
Simulation.cpp [code]
Simulation.h [code]
Singleton.cpp [code]
Singleton.h [code]
Space.cpp [code]
Space.h [code]
SplitManipulator.h [code]
String.cpp [code]
String.h [code]
SurfaceParams.cpp [code]
SurfaceParams.h [code]
TracedException.cpp [code]TracedException members implementation
TracedException.h [code]Macros and definitions for Pro-Vocation exception handling system
Transform.cpp [code]
Transform.h [code]
Util.cpp [code]
Util.h [code]
Network/HTTP/Utility.cpp [code]
Physics/Utility.cpp [code]
Network/HTTP/Utility.h [code]
Physics/Utility.h [code]Utility functions to create "standard" (Canonical) shapes as physical objects (geom + body)
Utility3D.cpp [code]
Utility3D.h [code]Utilities for 3D (such as visitors)
Version.cpp [code]
Version.h [code]Standard version handling (such as "")
Visitor.h [code]
VisitorSmart.h [code]
WeaponEnergy.h [code]
World.cpp [code]
World.h [code]

Generated on Sun Jan 17 11:39:37 2010 for PVLE (Pro-Vocation Light Engine) by  doxygen 1.5.9